Madhu Einsiedler

Coaching Guidelines

I like to refer to the definition of coaching as provided by the Deutsche Coaching Gesellschaft:

„Coaching is a person-centred, target oriented and interdisciplinary consultation process. Coaching consists of setting professional and private goals. It works with individual concepts and multifaceted methods. Sound feedback and introspection are important components in coaching.
Coach and client work within a relationship built around mutual trust and acceptance that is limited in time. Coaching presupposes that the client will take the initiative. Strategies worked out in conjunction are implemented autonomously.
Coaching results in achieving the desired behavioural changes and the targets that have been set. Through introspection with lasting effect the client achieves clarity and a broader skills base, thus gaining an instrument towards self help and further development.“
(Deutsche Coaching Gesellschaft, e.V.)

In my practice I offer a consulting service and coaching for leaders and companies. The themes covered range, for example, from Professional Change, Personal Growth and Change Management to Burnout Prevention, Stress Management and Supervision – see the individual points on the dropdown menu.

I draw a clear distinction between Good Coaching or Good Mmentoring and Really Good Coaching or Really Good Mentoring.
Really Good Coaching complies with the following guidelines (from:


„Coaching is an interactive, person-centred mentoring process, potentially comprising professional and private content. The focus is placed on the client’s professional role and the concerns currently arising therefrom.
„Interactive“ means that coaching does not provide the client with services as such- rather, coach and client contribute equally and work together on equal terms. A relationship gap is undesirable. The client does not relinquish any responsibility.“

This is precisely the basis on which I work. Moreover, I work with you- there is no „analysis“ of people with whom you may potentially be in conflict. Even when I provide coaching support on various levels of a company hierarchy, no information is passed on.


„Coaching constitutes individual support at process level, i.e. rather than directly proposing solutions, the coach MENTORS the client, encouraging him/her to set or question objectives and to develop their own solutions.
Coaching is not an „off the peg“ process, instead it is tailored to the client’s individual needs. The coach as a process mentor is not a “know-all” but rather assists the client in coming up with their own solutions.“

I provide you with theories, methods and approaches for you to try out, the purpose being to further your perceptive and cognitive faculties and to expand your behavioural options.
This applies to all the areas in which I provide coaching, e.g. team building, burnout, stress management, supervision for my work with companies, change management and indeed for any change for which I provide support as a consultant and coach.


„Coaching is focused on solutions and targets and aims to achieve aware self-development.
Whilst (problem) analysis is important in coaching, the focus lies with seeking resourceful solutions. Coaching helps to achieve chosen, realistic targets of relevance to the client’s development.“

I subscribe fully to this. In our work together we will at all times focus on extending your perceptive and cognitive faculties and behavioural options and therefore your freedom.


„Coaching works on the basis of a freely entered into viable relationship built on mutual acceptance and trust, i.e. the client voluntarily begins coaching and the coach guarantees total discretion.
Coaching is only possible when also embraced by the client. Coaching is based on the relationship between coach and client. Coaching can only produce results when this relationship is viable.“

That is why I will invite you to a free 20-minute preliminary discussion, in the course of which besides clarifying the content and professional aspects, we will each determine whether or not we „click“.
I can only be of assistance if we manage to build up mutual trust on equal terms. Because fundamental truths can only be questioned and your freedom be thereby expanded within a secure growth space underpinned by trust and discretion.


„Coaching always aims to foster (also on a preventive basis) introspection and self-perception, awareness and responsibility, in order to provide aid to self aid.
Self-perception should be fostered in the client i.e. blind spots and blinkered company attitudes are dismantled, new points of view are recognised and fresh behavioural options consequently emerge.“

To put this in my own words: Really Good Coaching supports and promotes growth and goes beyond mere behavioural change. New forms of behaviour are not defined and subsequently trained (which is often the approach taken by Good Coaching). What happens is that widening perceptive and cognitive faculties engender a space within which additional behavioural options are simply available and may be consciously chosen. This process is of importance for any change in the individual, but also in Change Management for companies.


„Coaching works with transparent interventions. It does not permit any manipulative methods, which would stand in the way of the awareness promoting process.
Awareness could not be promoted if the client were to be manipulated. Serious coaches do not therefore work with manipulative methods and techniques.“

In my work I flag up each intervention and invite you to take the steps. At all times you as the client are in full control of the process. You yourself decide what suits you and what doesn’t.


„Coaching requires a coaching concept that sets out the coach’s approach and determines the framework for the methods, techniques and interventions they will use, how the intended processes may be rolled out, and what cause-effect relationships should be taken into account. Furthermore, the concept should be sufficiently transparent as to rule out any possibility of manipulation.
The coach’s work concept is the tool of his trade. The concept must be explained to the client, who will otherwise not be able to understand how coaching works and this, in turn, would not help the client to move forward.“

Click here for a detailed list of my wide range of tools and experience. On-going training and further training as well as regular Supervision ensures that my work remains as clear and transparent as possible.
Under the individual Themes on offer, you can find out more about my approach, whereas under Methods and Techniques you can read about my tools and how I use them.
You will also find more background regarding my Coaching Approach.


„Coaching takes place over several sessions and is limited in time.
Coaching can equally well take place over a longer period, but since the coach’s aim is always to become superfluous, coaching must logically also be limited in time.“

A growth process may proceed in steps, in waves or with interruptions. It may well also take the form of an on-going process over a longer period. It is up to you to decide what timing works best.
There are customers, for example

  • Whom I mentor in their change and growth on a once-a-week basis over a longer period,
  • With whom I spar on-and-off on a specific topic or who come along with the latest issue as and when they feel the need
  • Who once or twice a month reflect with me on situations/behaviour/future steps/strategic planning etc.
  • Whom I see once or twice a year when they get the feeling that a growth spurt or stimulus would be positive and helpful for them.

We work together to define the most appropriate framework for you. The aim is always to permit and promote your professional growth, your personal growth or the growth of your company in the best possible way.


„Coaching is directed towards a specific person [Group Coaching: towards a clearly defined group of people] with leadership responsibility and/or a management role. Coaching is not a concept for just any target group- it is intended primarily for leaders, managers and people in high responsibility posts, working under what tend to be demanding conditions within a power hierarchy that affects them.“

Read more about this under Coaching for you, Leadership development as well as Coaching for your Team, Coaching for your Business, Leadership Qualities, Motivation and Change Management.


„Coaching is practised by people who possess psychology and business skills that also have practical experience in respect of the client’s concerns (in order to make an informed evaluation of the situation and offer qualified advice).
The Coach must possess a sound knowledge base and interdisciplinary qualifications if they are to understand and evaluate the client’s concerns. They must therefore combine a range of qualifications from various fields- Psychology, Business Administration, Consulting, HR development and Leadership and Management. A Coach, however, cannot be (and indeed does not need to be) omniscient in their role.“

As you can see here, I already possess this extensive experience and range of qualifications, which I seek to constantly expand through training, further training and regular Supervision.


„The aim is to improve the client’s introspective and self-management faculties, i.e. the coach should stimulate their counterpart in such a way as to become superfluous themself in the long run.
The coach builds greater independence, not dependency. Coaching always focuses on expanding the client’s options and/or rendering them more flexible. Outcome oriented introspection is a crucial part of this.“

The aim is to expand perceptive and cognitive faculties as well as behavioural options – towards solving a given task; for the Person as a whole; for Teamwork; for the Company as a system.


„The coach works within the framework of „Rules of the Game“ agreed upon in advance that, together with the overall idea of coaching, are voluntarily accepted by the client. The personal, trust-based relationship with the client(s) provides the basis on which this is built.
Coaching can only work within the context of clear rules that are understood by the client and accepted as reasonable. This „psychological contract“ clarifies the psychological orientation (coach and client should “match” as far as their ideological focus is concerned), the client’s critical faculties, a willingness to critically question ones own values, the extent of problem awareness, expectations, preconceptions, fears, total duration and possible objectives, approaches and methods used, the degree of change desired, limits and “taboo areas” and so on.“

The aim is to expand perceptive and cognitive faculties as well as behavioural options, thereby also creating greater freedom- for the individual, the team or the company- and to ensure that goals are reached in the best possible way. This can only be achieved within the framework of the aforementioned rules. Ensuring these rules are adhered to at all times as you are mentored through the various transitional processes is what, to my mind, constitutes Really Good Coaching.


„The coach should always adopt an independent position rather than forcing their own ideas and opinions upon the client.
The coach is not the „Doer“, but rather a neutral provider of feedback and a sparring partner. Under no circumstances may they force their own values upon the client.“

I offer, you decide what you want to take. I provide the safe space within which you can experiment, rediscover yourself and try things out. You are the one in control. You are the one calling the shots.

Get in touch. I look forward to meeting you!