What Highly Effective People Don't Tell You

A Quest for Growth & Success

Do you want to discover

  • A fresh and revealing perspective on how we can face our fears instead of hiding from them?

  • How we limit our own potential by clinging to unexamined assumptions?

  • How we can create a mind-set of growth?

  • How we can seek help without sacrificing independence?

  • How we can trust life’s challenges to nudge us toward growth in the face of our own resistance?

discover the groundbreaking
business graphic novel

Your time

Your Growth

Your Success

„What Highly Effective People Don’t Tell You“ peeks into the mind of a business leader. It combines the genres of psychology, fiction, business/leadership literature, and graphic novel to offer a stunning insight that no business professional should miss!

This strikingly-rendered graphic novel is both a landmark contribution to business management literature as well as a riveting story of transformation in the face of a personal crisis.

A must-read for

  • established modern business leaders,
  • up-and-coming entrepreneurs, and
  • anyone struggling to balance work and life, ambition and love.

John Myers has fought his way nearly to the top of the corporate ladder.

He’s got it all—the doting wife, the supercar, the mansion, and now his first son on the way. Most importantly to John, he’s on the verge of becoming CEO at the one of the most renowned IT companies in the world.

Can he truly achieve all his goals through sheer determination and grit?

Who will have to suffer for him to succeed?

When both his company and his family face sudden crises, John will have to account for more than the bottom line. The fearlessly independent man who thought he knew how to succeed in any situation finds himself for the first time at a loss for answers. He’ll have to face his deepest fears and transform his perspective in order to overcome these staggering challenges.

His dark, terrifying journey will force him to look in the mirror and make hard choices.

"What happens when a life-changing experience breaks a man and his cherished mythology wide open?"

Venkataraman Ramachandran
Storyteller and Consultant
Hyderabad, India

Find out:

"Many of the management principles learnt at graduate school don’t apply anymore. The story ... is surely an eye-opener and inspiration for many executives and talents aiming for the top job.”

Edgar C. Britschgi Wang, Chairman, Combo Management
Visiting Professor MIM-Kyiv, GMBA,
Taipei, Taiwan


Get a different perspective on how you can face your fears. We think we face them by controlling our fear, by pretending that we are not afraid. This really means not facing them but hiding from them.


Discover how you might limit your own potential by clinging to what has worked up to now. What has brought you where you are today will limit where you’d be able to go.


Find out what it takes to grow into a new mind-set. What ever you’ll think it might take –  might be an assumption. You’ll need to want to grow and find out how your growth looks like.


Experience how new strength comes from places you’d have never expected and thought of. Because it’s your strength and growth and that doesn’t follow any management book.


Get inspired where you resist your own growth – and how you’ll be able to overcome your own resistance. It’s easy to say ‘I want to grow’. It’s a whole different ballgame to make the journey and discover one own’s growth.

“This story will touch a nerve with modern managers. It is current in its focus on ‘values’ versus ‘greed/money/status’ and at the same time it touches the timeless theme of ‘the search for oneself."

Arne Arens, Global Brand President
The North Face

Madhu Einsiedler has been working for more than twenty years as a leadership coach and consultant for organizational and personal change.

The most important lessons I can share with you is – change and transformation are two fundamentally different things.

Over the last twenty years, I have changed jobs, countries, clients, partners, apartments (at one point I had four different apartments in three different countries). I learned and changed methods and techniques. I thrived on becoming a better manager, leader, coach, consultant, and human being.

Every change was exciting. As each project challenged me, I learned new skills and developed new behaviors. I felt like I was growing.

Yet, what I saw each morning in the mirror was the same face. And after each exciting change, something old and familiar settled in, an unease, a pale taste, like a fading memory of a bad dream that lingers, yet we can’t articulate it.

I’ve seen a similar pattern in organizations and clients I worked with.

We change and yet, on a fundamental level, we stay the same.  On an organizational level it’s one change initiative after the other.

Change keeps us busy. It’s like change is an end in itself.

And it might well be. It makes us believe we grow.

Change is like acquiring and putting on different glasses. We are proud of all the many glasses we have collected. We showcase them.

Transformation, however, is quite a different game. Transformation is to see with different eyes.

Transformation is a deep and personal process. We face our self-deceptions. Illusions and beliefs that kept us safe and warm dissolve. We struggle. We fall. It’s often painful. When we get up, something fundamental is different.

A personal transformation of that nature is not the usual story you might hear. It’s not easily shared.

Enter John Myers, the protagonist of this book.

He’s of course a fictional character. Yet he’s based on my extensive experience supporting and accompanying people from different backgrounds, nationalities, occupations, and personalities on their unique quest for success and growth.

May John’s story inspire and inform your own journey from mere change to true transformation.

Gerald Hartwig has been working internationally as illustrator.

Without Gerald this book wouldn’t have been. It was his extensive experience and background (he has studied film in L.A.) that brought my script to life.

We share the same values – craft and art comes before ego.

Co-operating with him was inspiring, fulfulling and based on what I think are pillars of any successful project – professionalism combined with an appreciative working relationship.


A Quest for Growth & Success


Reggy de Feniks
managing partner, 9senses, Barcelona, Spain (www.9senses.com),
coauthor of ‘Reinventing Financial Services’ and ‘Reinventing Customer Engagement’,
co-founder DIA (www.digitalinsuranceagenda.com)

“This book is like a breath of fresh air amongst other management books. The beautifully designed graphic novel format allows for messages without words, which adds a powerful dimension. The book offers a leadership experience for everybody ‘looking for answers.’ A great and recommended read for busy managers who hardly give themselves the time to stop and think about where they are now and want to be next.”

Arne Arens
global brand president, The North Face, San Francisco, CA, USA, (www.thenorthface.com)

“A super-inspiring story I was personally touched by it. I like the overall message and the combination of rich dialogue and vivid images that really makes the story come to life. I think this story will touch a nerve with modern managers. It is ‘current’ in its focus on ‘values’ versus ‘greed/money/status’ and at the same time it touches the timeless theme of ‘the search for oneself.”

Martine Lewis
eCommerce Business Analyst; Thinkwrap Commerce,
Ottawa, Canada (www.thinkwrap.com)

“An invaluable read for both managers and employees alike! Recognizing the influence of external expectations, and how they mold us into someone unlike our true self, is so vital for defining our own work/life harmony.

Being invited to join John on his self-discovery allowed me to self-reflect at every one of his decision points. The powerful emotions, so effectively conveyed in the images, challenged me to empathize and evaluate my own honest reactions to each situation.

Venkataraman Ramachandran
storyteller and consultant, Hyderabad, India (www.linkedin.com/in/venkinesis)

„What happens when a life-changing experience breaks a man and his cherished mythology wide open? Madhu takes us on a phantasmagoric journey which chronicles this experience with such psychological acuity that it throws a mirror into our own lives and the questions we have been evading all the while. The business world, long used to monotonous rhymes of leadership myths past their expiry date, badly needs to hear the story of John Myers.“

Edgar C. Britschgi Wang
chairman, Combo Management, Taipei/Taiwan;
Visiting Professor MIM-Kyiv and GMBA, Taipei

“Many of the management principles learnt at graduate school don’t apply anymore. Young managers and promising talents don’t shape their careers along traditional patterns. Money or power aren’t the only measurements of success. They search for true happiness and fulfillment in their lives. Madhu Einsiedler and Gerald Hartwig have excellently carved out this quest of deeper meaning. The story and the way it is characterized in words and visuals, is surely an eye-opener and inspiration for many executives and talents aiming for the top job.“

Stefan Holzer
business director Intl, Medtronic

„A business book in a refreshing style (and I’m not into comics at all!) – fast like a race-car, fun to read and great food for thought.”

Renata Sir
accountant, IT Methods,
Brussels, Belgium

“In some moments I’ve thought, “This is my husband!” I believe managers will enjoy it and will find inspiration for professional and personal growth. I would love John, and Margret, to come back in a second volume.”

Robin Todd
technical program manager, Amazon Lumberyard, Austin, TX, USA

“Madhu has done two remarkable things: She has realized the power of graphic storytelling as a medium to convey ideas in ways that the customary management book cannot; and she has harnessed that realization to the simple but powerful story of how discovering who we truly are as human beings can give us the insights to better manage projects and lead people.”

Chakradhar Iyyunni faculty, Larson&Toubro Institute of Project Management Vadodara, Gujarat, India (www.researchgate.net/; www.linkedin.com/in/ciyyunni/)

„Madhu Einsiedler has weaved an amazing story and shown us who entangle ourselves. I have been concerned and passionate about unlocking an individual’s infinite potential. Madhu has brought attention to the varied masks (in all its glory) we cloud ourselves with – which is probably the biggest road block in our progress to satisfaction and fulfillment. Thank you Madhu, for showing us a way to holistically accept and compassionately understand our lives.“

Manuela Rattay
marketing and project manager, Primas Consulting,
Vienna, Austria (www.primas.at)

“What is important in life? What is the essence? What are our beliefs and how do they affect our everyday and business lives? What is the focus of our attention and how can we live up to our values even in the tough business environment? Madhu created a story which is beautiful to read and goes still deep into these important life questions. It made me think about these questions, it made me think about my own views and beliefs and it provoked discussion. Inspiring.”

Franjo Hanzl
director global alliance management, Orexigen Therapeutics, Croatia (www.orexigen.com)

“Managers out there! Are you struggling to find answers how to solve challenges at work or maybe with your loved ones? This book will certainly not give you answers on that. Sorry. What this book can do for you is to inspire and awaken the inspirational leader in you, the good husband or wife, the inspirational father, son or daughter, and the friend. This is an in-depth questionnaire, an interview, it’s psychology, a comic book, a movie, tough training and much more. It is an innovative, whole new concept in managers’ rejuvenation. I’m one of the happiest men in the world as it certainly did all of that for me. Thank you for that, Madhu. If this book doesn’t make you start doing things differently or confirm you that some things you do in your life are the right ones, no book will. Now go out and find your own path. Go now! NO, read the book first!”

Wilhelm Hofmann
CEO, SEW-Eurodrive GmbH, Vienna, Austria (www.sew-eurodrive.at)

“I read the story with enthusiasm and for me, it was what a good read should be – emotional, intriguing, intellectually satisfying and long lasting. The character of John Myers mirrored myself and again and again I felt like I was reading my own story. The character of the hermit is like the internal wisdom every leader strives for, the personalization of the internal true leader. I believe those managers who are not only on the quest for more status and money but want to find their own way of true leadership, will love this book and benefit from it tremendously.”

Katharina Schmidt
CEO/founder, Inspiration&Disciplin, Amsterdam, Netherlands/San Francisco, CA, USA

“Madhu uses high-impact language on wise lessons of life. At times, the book gives me tough confrontations with my self-built mental prisons. The process between the hermit and John Myers often leaves me silently smiling and gives me language to address the issues that come along with the rat race I and people in the world around me are in.”

Richard Huebner
co-founder, dignit consulting, Vienna, Austria (www.dignit.at)

“This book is an awesome story of human development, love and respect, but also much more. I thought I knew the game from the “how to become a better . . .” books. The story itself, and the way the story is told, touched me deeply and initiated a sustainable process of personal reflection and even growth. This book shall become a bible for those on the road of self discovery …”

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